Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Generating servo pulses with TMR0
I successfully wrote and tested code to generate 50 hz pulses to send position information to servos. The next step will be to use the interrupt to toggle a pin high for 1-2 ms then back to low for 18-19 ms. The test software is as follows: ; ;16F876 Micro Serial Communications, 2 servo, pwm…
16F876 RS-232 working as intended
The heart and soul of my airsoft turret project will be getting the PC to send serial data to the microcontroller that will control the pan, tilt, and rate of fire of the airsoft gun. Today I successfully setup the 16F876 for async communication with my PC. The code below configures porta for digital I/O…
Futurlec ValuePack contents 2011!
Ceramic Caps 10 33C 20 1000C 10 0.01C 10 470C 10 2200C 10 280C 10 330C 10 3300C 20 100C 10 47C 30 10C 30 .1C 20 22C Axial Caps 20 1uF 20 10uF 10 47uF 1 1000uF 2 470uF…
Airsoft Turret Part 1 Initial Purchases
I’ve been interested in making my own PC controlled Airsoft turret for some time now. I’ve been searching through a lot of other people projects on the net and youtube and I think I finally have a good idea of what I want. Component considerations Airsoft guns For initial testing I decided on getting a…
New source for Bulk electronic components
I placed a decently sized order with http://www.futurlec.com to give them a shot. The component grab bags/packs are a steal from what I can tell. The only downside Ive read about is amount of time it takes to recieve your purchase, I’m going on week three of my order but for thesavings I can wait!…
AHK 1 Button Toggle Script
This is a simple script I use when I want to have a button preform a different in-game action each time it’s pressed. An example was from Darkfall, I used the TAB key to cycle between two different rank 50 nuke spells. To use I would just tab and left click, tab and left click.…
Got any book recommendations?